Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Arise and Staples

Happy Wednesday blog readers:

If you have been following my journey over the past few months, you would know that I had been training for the Staples opportunity through Arise, which started in late August.  As of today, this is my third week of servicing the Staples opportunity after certification.  

During certification, I was on the phone servicing Staples customers for 2 hours (8 pm to 10 pm) each of the five days.  It was rough in the beginning, because the customers had issues that we weren't taught to resolve in training.  We were taught basic tasks like placing an order, creating a return, or viewing a status of a delivery.  We weren't prepared to handle inquiries about rebates, tax exemption or store complaints.  

Fortunately we have a knowledge base website at our disposal along with chat support.  However, these tools didn't always help when I have the customer on the line, and I'm looking for a quick solution to his/her issues.  

After 3 weeks of phone experience, I am happy to say that I feel more confident and more empowered as a Staples customer service agent.  Because of my increased knowledge of the system and policies, I can resolve a customer's issue in a quicker amount of time.  

Last week, I was able to work 21 hours, and I hope to be able to work the same amount of time this week.  So far, I am scheduled to work 16 hours, thus I am certain that more time will become available.  

This Staples opportunity with Arise along with my Tan Physics customer service position are the stepping stones to my ultimate goal of becoming a successful Internet Marketer.  I'm making the money by servicing Staples and Tan Physics customers while I continue to promote, learn and build my business ventures.  

As I mentioned in my previous posting, The 7 Essential Tasks of an Internet Marketerif you want to start making money online as an Internet Marketer, the thing to do is to start working from home.  Working with Arise is a great way to start earning an income from home.  The Arise platform services several Fortune 500 companies.  Companies such as Staples, Comcast, Carnival, eBay, Intuit (Turbo Tax), and several others.  While you are working from home, you can use the extra time to build your internet marketing business.  

As I am typing up this posting, I am awaiting calls from Tan Physics customers.  In fact, while waiting on calls, I was able to advertise my Mister Safelist link on several safelist sites; I was able to read a few pages of my Blogging for Dummies book; finally, I was able to read the information on one of my affiliate links, Mastering Super Affiliate Marketing, which I plan to purchase tomorrow.  Yes, I'm going to purchase what I'm promoting!  If I'm going to promote a product, then I need to know something about it...not just what's on the sales page.  

That is it for today.  I hope you all have a Wonderful Wednesday!  

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Internet Marketing: Why Most Internet Marketers Fail

Hello blog readers,

Last month, I discussed the Truths and Misconceptions about Internet Marketing as a whole.  Today, I want to discuss the reasons why the majority of people who strive to succeed with internet marketing, fail before they can get started.  There are many reasons why Internet Marketers fail to make a single dime with internet marketing, but the question is....who is at fault?

In my opinion, there are two culprits:  the business opportunity who is promoting their system, and the prospect, who is looking for a business opportunity to promote.  I will discuss each culprit below.


The Business Opportunity is at Fault

There are business opportunities out there that are seeking affiliates to promote their system.  With some businesses, you pay a fee, then you are able to promote the opportunity.  However, many of the opportunities that are on the internet ask you to "opt-in", by providing your name and e-mail address.  In order to get prospects to opt-in, some opportunities will say just about anything...perhaps even bending the truth or exaggerating on what the prospect will receive by joining their opportunity. 

After a prospect opts in, then the business will reveal more truths about their opportunity.  When a prospect discovers that the "language" used before opting in is different from the language used after opting in, the prospect is discouraged, and therefore refrains from any further relationship with that business opportunity, thus opting out from receiving further communication.

Below I will discuss some of the tactics the business opportunity uses (or doesn't use) in order to attract prospects to their system.  

Not Qualifying The Prospect

When a business opportunity is seeking affiliates to promote their business, they are merely inviting just about anyone to join...even ones who may not have the credentials to become a successful Internet Marketer.  As a result, a business will have affiliates sign up who do absolutely nothing.  

Qualifying the prospect by asking questions will indeed reduce the number of opt-ins, but the result will be a higher percentage of prospects that will actually promote the opportunity.  

Misleading the Prospect on How Much Money One Can Make

You're an Internet Marketer, and you visit a business opportunity website.  The first thing you notice is a dollar amount; $10k per month; $5k per week; $1000 in just a few days.  These are the websites that talk more about the "fruits" and less about the "labor".  When a business opportunity puts more focus on the money that can be made or the rich lifestyle you could be enjoying....rather than focusing on the business plan and how to get there, that misleads the prospect.  

Yes, prospects are drawn to the money, and for a business, it's a strategic way to get prospects to look at what they have to offer.  However, the business opportunity doesn't tell you that a lot of labor will need to be had in order to enjoy the fruits....and even then, it's not guaranteed that the prospect will make $10k per month, or it may take a couple of years to get there.  Again, the business opportunity gives you this information AFTER the prospect pays or opts in to their system.  

Businesses should focus more on the business side of things when they are seeking prospects.  If a prospect knows what is expected ahead of time, then it will be up to that prospect to decide if he/she wants to pursue the opportunity, and in turn, that prospect may actually work the it.  

Misleading the Prospect on How Easy it is to Make Money

If you, as an Internet Marketer, visit a business opportunity website, and you read the language given by the opportunity, you would think that it would be easy to make $10k per month with their system.  Again, this misleads the prospect into thinking that very little effort is needed to make money.  

No business opportunity should tell a prospect that anything is "easy", because it is not.  It takes a lot of hard work and strategic planning on the Internet Marketer's part before one earns $1000 per month or more.  It's okay for a business opportunity to say that their system is "simple" as it pertains to the opportunity itself.  Dollar amounts should not be discussed.  

Misusing the word FREE when Promoting an Opportunity

Just like the above examples, an Internet Marketer visits a business opportunity website, and the word that resonates throughout the site is FREE.  Some opportunities will lead you to believe that they can show you how to make $10k per month for free. 

The fact is, nothing is totally free.  Otherwise, the business opportunity claiming the above will not make any money.  As with any business opportunity, in order to succeed, there will be some type of investment.  That investment may be in the form of advertising/marketing fees, cost of  equipment, further education into the business, etc.  

It's okay for a business to provide free information or a free report in regards to their system, but not making false claims regarding how much money you can make.     

There are many business opportunities that use misleading tactics in order to persuade prospects to opt-in to their system.  However, using these tactics will lead a prospect to failure.  We know that a business use these tactics in order to get prospects, but if a business is not totally truthful about what they can offer before a prospect opts in, that will discourage the prospect from wanting to promote the opportunity after opting in.  


The Prospect is at Fault

To be successful at internet marketing, it takes a lot of work and dedication, just like any other occupation.   Nonetheless, many prospects yearning to become Internet Marketers quit before they make a single penny, and thus leading them to failure.  Even those who sign up with a great business opportunity fail to make any money, because of their lack of dedication.  Below are some reasons why prospects fail at internet marketing on their own accord:

Not Having the Right Mindset

Many prospects who are looking to become Internet Marketers don't have the right mindset. To earn a decent income with internet marketing, one must be fully committed to the task.  That means that one has to BELIEVE he or she is an Internet Marketer.  

To become a successful Internet Marketer, one will need to make a life adjustment to accommodate 
the time needed to promote the new business venture.  Unfortunately, many new Internet Marketers are not willing to make the needed adjustments to accommodate this new venture.  Just the same, many feel they can spend perhaps an hour or two a week promoting their venture, and when no prospects come their way, they quit.  

Believe that you're an Internet Marketer; think like an Internet Marketer; plan your marketing strategies like an Internet Marketer, and you can achieve like a successful Internet Marketer.

It's All About the Money

The fact is, many prospects are drawn to the potential of making a lot money with internet marketing, which is probably the main reason why many who strive to become Internet Marketers fail.  Many prospects focus on the fruits, or the money and lavish lifestyle that a successful Internet Marketer enjoys.  To reach the plateau of the successful Internet Marketer, one will need to put in the work, or the labor.  

To start earning a massive income, new Internet Marketers will need to spend months promoting their brand and their business ventures, and to keep it consistent.   Unfortunately, many who get started don't finish, because they don't see the money right away.  Nevertheless, Internet Marketers who are in it just for the money are destined to fail.    

Not Educating Oneself

As with any other business venture, there's quite a bit of information to learn if one is to be successful at internet marketing.  New Internet Marketers must learn the different methods of marketing, such as e-mail marketing, SEO Optimization or using social media for marketing. New Internet Marketers will also need to start building business relationships in order to grow their business.  However, new marketers don't take the time to learn and apply the different techniques needed to grow their business. There's more to promoting a business than just showing others a link to your website.  

Fortunately, there are many books, e-books, articles, blogs and other material available for the Internet Marketer to learn about different marketing techniques.  Become a student of internet marketing, apply what you have learned, and the results will come in time.  

Not Fully Committing Oneself to Marketing 

As an Internet Marketer, you must promote your brand, your product/service, and/or your affiliate link DAILY in order to be successful.  Many Internet Marketers fail because they have yet to grasp the concept of marketing their business on a daily basis.   

Not Persevering

Many new Internet Marketers get discouraged, because they are promoting their business and not seeing the fruits of their efforts.  The thing is, many Internet Marketers who are successful today will tell you that it took them months...perhaps even a couple of years, before they started making any serious money online.  The keyword here is PERSEVERANCE.   One must continue to market and promote his/her business, even when things appear bleak.  Sometimes a prospect will need to see your offer many times before he/she acts on it.

Many of us want to live the lavish lifestyle that becoming an successful Internet Marketer brings.  However, many of us tend to quit before reaching that plateau.  Becoming a successful Internet Marketer is just like any other occupation.  You have to be fully committed to doing the work needed to become successful; which means learning the different methods of marketing, then apply what you have learned to promote your brand and your business on a daily basis.  


So the question is....why do most Internet Marketers fail?  Yes, there are business opportunities that tend to mislead prospects into thinking they can make a lot of money with little effort.  However, it is up to that prospect to educate him or herself about internet marketing in general and seek out the legitimate business opportunities.  Once the prospect find that good business opportunity, he/she needs to do the work to make it successful.  My final's the prospect that is ultimately responsible for his or her destiny.  

Before I conclude with this posting, I want to give you an example of a business opportunity that does not mislead the prospect, and it does not claim how much money you can make.  All it claims is that you can "grow a second income".  All of what you need to know to make a decision about whether to promote this business is listed on the page.  Click HERE to take a look at this opportunity.      

That concludes this posting.  If you are an Internet Marketer reading this, I hope it was enlightening for you.  Also, I hope it will help you to take action with your marketing efforts.  

Have a good day blog readers!

Monday, October 2, 2017

OPP Update: October 2017

Good afternoon blog readers:

If the year of 2017 were a football game, we have just entered the 4th Quarter!  Yes blog readers, we are 3 months away from 2018!  

In the month of September, I was training for my new Customer Service position with Staples, which is a good thing, because once I start taking calls, I will have an additional source of income.  However, my internet marketing efforts have been minimum at best this month.  I did promote my PIF43, $1.50 Cash Magic and Mister Safelist ventures a few times in September, but it wasn't enough.  

One area that I did gain knowledge is with the Bitcoin revolution.  Even though I have yet to get a full grasp of it, I do have a better understanding of how it works.  I have a Bitcoin wallet to acquire Bitcoins, and soon, I will be looking into this one business opportunity in which I can start earning Bitcoins.  

This week, I am in certification with the Staples Customer Service position, which means that from 8-10 pm EDT, today through Thursday, I will be taking calls from Staples customers.  Starting next Monday, assuming that I pass certification, I will fully be into my role as a Staples Customer Service Agent.  Even though I was only able to schedule 7.5 hours for next week, the following week, I will schedule to work at least 25 hours, which will be in addition to the 37 hours I will be working as a Tan Physics Customer Service Agent.  My goal in this regard is to earn at least $600 per week.  

Now that the training for the Staples position is over, I will resume my advertising, blogging and education as an Internet Marketer.  By the end of the year, my plan is to start earning some kind of revenue with my ClickBank affiliate links, and to acquire my secured credit card, so I can start selling on eBay again.  

With the above efforts, my goal is to move back into my own apartment by next spring.  It's time to go to work!

My next posting, Internet Marketing:  Why Most Internet Marketers Fail, will be posted later this month.  

Have a great October blog readers!