Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Hello blog readers:

Today I decided to step away from the discussion of achieving financial independence to discuss a game that I have been playing for almost 30 years.  

Today is the launch of the new Legend of Zelda game, Breath of the Wild.  It is also the launch of Nintendo's new console, the Switch.  BOTW will be the ninth Zelda game that I will get to play. Below are the previous 8 Legend of Zelda games I have played since 1990:

  • The Legend of Zelda (original)
  • A Link to the Past
  • The Ocarina of Time
  • Majora's Mask
  • The Wind Waker
  • The Twilight Princess
  • Skyward Sword
  • Spirit Tracks

When I first played the Legend of Zelda in 1990, I was mesmerized by how different the game was compared to the other games I played up to that time.  It was an adventure like no other.  As Nintendo created other Zelda titles in later years, I played them, which put me on a high like no other.  I love the storylines of the game..and the things I had to do and the places I had to go to achieve the mission of beating the final villian.  Each Zelda game I played left me mesmerized, so you can imagine how hype I am about the next game in the Zelda series, which could be the biggest and best ever!  

Right now I'm a little sad, because unfortunately, I'm not able to purchase the game or the console at this time.  My current financial situation has prevented me from buying the game and console today. However, I am optimistic that I will be playing this game real soon.

Actually, I have a hurdle I need to overcome before I can buy the game and console.  As I mentioned in my previous blog posting, I am behind in my before I can even consider buying the BOTW and the Switch, I need to catch up with my rent payments.

The fact to the matter is, I am able to play BOTW now.  I have a Nintendo Wii U (in my bedroom hooked up to my 32-inch HDTV), and the BOTW is released for the Wii U as well. However, when it comes to playing Zelda games, I have to have the best of the here's my plan.  If I am able to catch up my rent, I have 2 major purchases I need to make before  I buy the game and the console.  First, I want to buy a TV that stands high, so I can sit the new 55-inch 4K HDTV that I plan to buy.  First, I will have to sell my 52-inch rear-projection HDTV (that I bought in 2005).

If you read my previous posting, I mentioned that will getting into selling items on eBay.  Before I can do so, I will need to acquire a secure credit card with a minimum credit limit.  I will use the credit card to help me make sales on eBay, then use some of the money I make from the sales to increase the credit limit until I have at least a $5000 credit limit.  Depending on my financial situation, I may use this card to purchase the items I need about to start playing BOTW.    Of course, there may be other sources that pays for these items.  We'll see.

We all have our interests as far as what we want in life.  Thus playing the Legend of Zelda is one of the interests I have. Reaching financial independence will grant me many things that I want to have or to do.  If I can do it, then you can too.  

In my next posting, I want to discuss two smaller opportunities that I signed up for that could put some extra $$$ in my pocket.  

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