Monday, March 5, 2018

OPP Update: March 2018

Good morning Blog Readers:

It is early morning, just a little before 7 am (at the time I'm typing this paragraph).  I had woken up to head to the gym this morning before I start work at 9 am.  However, I was thinking about my marketing efforts in February last night, and it wasn't favorable to say the I decided to skip the gym today and to do my monthly OPP Update.  Normally, the plan is to do my update on the first of the month.  It's already March the 5th, so I know I needed to take care of it.  

Last month, I did accomplish a couple of things with my internet marketing business:  first of all, I finally completed my landing page, so I am now able to build my marketing list.  However, I haven't really promoted my page, so at this time, the traffic to that landing page has been nil.  The second thing I have accomplished is that I now have my bitcoin wallet.  Going forward, I will start adding funds to my wallet twice a month to build my wealth in bitcoins.  At the same time, I will continue my education with bitcoins and will learn the ways of earning bitcoins daily.  

For the month of March, I have 3 agendas:  

  1. Learn different traffic methods; I'll learn those methods via ClickBank University
  2. Promote my landing page using different traffic methods (safelists, social media)
  3. Further my education with bitcoins

Completing the above agendas won't be easy to accomplish, but I will need to find a way.  My first obstacle is my Tan Physics position.  Now that spring is around the corner, the call volume has tripled, so the downtime is becoming fewer and fewer to work on my marketing efforts.  Even when I get a few minutes of downtime, I'm too tired to even think about reading and learning.  To help with fatigue, I am now taking a multi-vitamin daily.  I am hoping this will now keep me awake.

My second obstacle is my gym time.  I have been heading to the gym more consistently, so that could be time I can use to work on my marketing business.  I do recognize the fact that I need to be healthy in order to work, so I will need to utilize my time to work out and to work my business.  That will mean less "chill" time.

Speaking of chill time, that is my third obstacle.  Of course, spending up to 60 hours a week on the phones can tire a person out.  Thus having that time to relax is crucial.  However, I feel that I'm utilizing too much of this time to relax, when I can be working on my business. 

As I type this blog posting, I'm now thinking what I can do to make time for my 3 agendas above.  If I schedule the time ahead to learn and promote, then I can get more accomplished.  I have a spreadsheet in which I can plan my day. I need to start using it.  

Later this month, I plan to start another promotion:  recruiting new members to learn about bitcoins through the Bitcoins Wealth Club (BWC).  I will discuss that in further detail at a later posting.  

On a lighter note; last night, I was discussing with a friend which rodent/insect repellent I will purchase when I move back into another apartment.  As I discussed in my previous postings, I had mice in my apartment the last few months of living there. I want to prevent that from happening when I move to my new apartment.  My plan is to purchase a rodent/insect repellent for every room, so I will need 4.  I have 3 smaller repellents I that purchased previously which I can use in my bathroom and smaller areas.  The point is, I want to keep my next apartment free of those pests, and I'll do it at any cost.  

Thinking about this conversation with my friend last night in which I'm planning my next move to another apartment.....this should be motivation for me to get off my butt and start working my internet marketing business, so I can get the sales and save up the money to finally get another apartment.  My life in Newark was perfect, and I can hardly wait to move back there.  If I think about this on a daily business, that will get me motivated to take action!

Wow....this posting took me about 30 minutes to type up...uninterrupted.  I hope to give you better results with my April OPP Update.  Have a Happy Monday everyone!

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