Good afternoon blog readers:
Today is Monday, and I'm off from working my Tan Physics customer service/sales position today. It's currently the middle of the afternoon, and I used my day to take care of a few things:
In addition to buying some grocery and checking my (P.O.) mailbox, I took my car to a body shop to get an estimate. Later this month, I plan to get my car fixed, so I can proceed with my role as an Uber Partner, thus creating my second income. It's been almost 2 months since I have given my last Uber ride (right before my accident). Even though I can think of a dozen things I would rather do with my free time than to give Uber rides, I do miss communicating with my riders and I certainly miss the instant payouts. Yes! If I'm broke, and need some quick cash, all I have to do is give a few rides, and I've made my money! I love that aspect of driving for Uber.
The month of May will be a transition month for me and my goals. Now that I am settled in at my brother's home, I can begin making the moves to get me closer to my goals. First of all, I have proceeded with advertising my ventures to my safelists. My next goal is to find that third source of income, whether it will be with the Staples customer service position I mentioned in my last posting, or something else. Nevertheless, I want to have 3 sources of direct income.
Sometime this month, I also plan to resume my education with ClickBank University. From what I've learned so far, I will need to start "building my brand" by creating a squeeze page to opt in potential buyers to my businesses and services. It's going to require some work, but I'm up for the task at hand.
Lastly, I just transferred my Planet Fitness home to the Riverfront in Wilmington, DE, so once the transfer is complete, I plan to work out 3-4 times a week. After all, if I'm going to achieve my goals, I need to be healthy. 😎
In my next posting, I plan to discuss how I plan to take my blog posts to the next level. HAPPY MONDAY!